AI platform & inference engine

Automated Reasoning & Probabilistic Inference within Aerospace & Cyber Security

Our deep tech advantage

10,000 faster than other methods.

Best performing inference algorithm using current methods in an independent international competition.  

LLMs vs PiLogic

While acknowledging the usefulness and excitement around LLMs, PiLogic believes that the problem space that LLMs do not effectively address is vast. This problem space includes, among other things, real time applications where predictability is essential and applications where resources are constrained like Aerospace.

Our Management Team

Our leadership team is helmed by two visionaries who bring unparalleled expertise and innovation to the forefront. 


Mark Chavira

Founder CTO
AI Director at Google
Ran tech for $2B+ rev

Johannes Waldstein

Founder CEO
5x Founder
In AI since 2016

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